Join your fellow MREIA Members for a fun day of movies and education topped off with a social mixer.

When: Sunday April 23rd 1:30 pm – 8:00 pm
What: “The Big Short” – the crazy and true story of the real estate meltdown in 2008 starring Steve Carell, Christian Bale, Ryan Gossling, Brad Pitt, and Marisa Tomei. (This movie is Rated R and not suitable for children.)
Where: Count Basie Movie Cinemas, 58 White Street Red Bank, NJ (free parking across the street)
Featuring Daumielle Adelman (NuWorld Title, Layla Perdomo (Universal Loans LLC) & Dave Corsi capped off with a Social Mixer at the Red Tank Brewing Company in Red Bank NJ, the Gateway to the Jersey Shore.
Special thanks to NuWorld and Universal for helping to sponsor the evnt.
Tickets are only $10.00. Talk about a good deal!! Join us in beautiful Red Bank NJ (The Gateway to the Jersey Shore)
PriceMembers: $10
Non-Members: $10
RSVP by Wednesday, April 19, 2023