Vena Jones-Cox is a nationally renowned expert on the topic of wholesaling, and has wholesaled over 800 properties in the last 20 years.

Here's more about her in her own words:

Well, let’s start with the “official resume” version of my real estate life, for those of you who are impressed by that sort of thing:

  • I do all of my investing in the Greater Cincinnati area, which includes Northern Kentucky.
  • I bought my first rental property in 1989. I still own it.
  • Since then, I’ve bought and sold, or continue to manage, somewhere in excess of, oh, I don’t know, 700 deals. People who can quote the exact number crack me up. Seriously, if you have time to count, you’re not making enough offers.
  • Yes, I wholesale properties. A lot of them. At the moment, an average of 1 every 9.125 days
  • Yes, I also lease/option, rent, and land contract properties. At the moment, I acquire about 5 new “keepers” a year.
  • Yes, I buy properties using owner financing, private financing, buying subject to, and in lots of other creative ways. No, I do not buy properties using lease/options, and neither does anyone else. That’s not buying a property, it’s renting it.
  • I’ve been the president of the Real Estate Investors Association of Greater Cincinnati, the Ohio Real Estate Investors Association, and the National Real Estate Investors Association. If that impresses you a lot, let me add that my salary was doubled each time I moved up the ladder from local to state to national. Yep, it was $0 all 3 times.
  • Real estate investing is only my vocation; my avocation is teaching other people about real estate investing. I’ve written, I don’t know, a dozen homestudy courses on various aspects of real estate investing, any of which you can learn more about on this site
  • The only thing I love more than teaching real estate to a crowd of people is helping ONE person do a deal, or build their business to the next level, or solve a real estate problem. I love it so much, in fact, that my partner made me start charging people to do it, because it was taking time away from my own business. Since I started charging, I’ve noticed that my coaching and mentoring students are much more likely to actually take my advice, which I find even more satisfying
  • I’m a licensed real estate broker in the state of Ohio, but I never list properties that aren’t my own or work directly with buyers
  • Since 1998, I’ve hosted a Public Radio show called “Real Life Real Estate Investing”. You can listen to it on Wednesdays at 5 p.m. eastern at 89.9 FM in the Cincinnati area. If you’re not in the Cincinnati area on Wednesdays at 5, you can listen to it streaming at You can also download prior shows as podcasts here
  • No, I don’t do 50 deals a year PLUS manage 40+ rental units PLUS rehab, travel, teach, volunteer, and have a life all by myself. You won’t, either.  I do it with the help of a partner, a part-time property manager, an acquisition coordinator, and a part-time bookkeeper. And yes, I’m still pretty busy, but I still find time to take a nap every day.

Of course none of that stuff actually tells you the first thing about me, or why I do what I do, or why you should do it, too…

…and I’m not sure how to start with any of that. I can tell you this:

I love what I do. I am, it’s been said, a real estate geek. I’m interested in just about every aspect of real estate investing, I find it all fascinating, and I’m a sort of walking encyclopedia of techniques, trivia, and both useful and useless information about real estate.

I am a true, rabid believer in the idea that real estate investing is the best way to achieve financial independence—at least for those of us aren’t going to inherit millions, invent the next iPhone, or win the lottery. I’ve seen it over and over, and I have a hard time relating to people who don’t see it. Yeah, I know that not everyone is cut out to run a real estate business—but people who aren’t the slightest bit interested in owning even one rental property? They confound me.

I am also fanatical about the idea that real estate investors, through their activities in turning run down houses into pretty ones, and providing affordable rental housing, and employing people, and paying taxes, and a hundred other things that they do in the course of normal business, are just about the best thing that ever happened to the world. Yeah, I know, there are bad guys out there—I’ll deal with those in a minute. But the teeny percentage bad guys get 99% of the attention from the media and legislators, which, unfortunately, makes it lots harder for the rest of us to do business. Read more...  (Metro Real Estate Investors Association) does not give legal, tax, economic, or investment advice. MREIA disclaims all liability for the action or inaction taken or not taken as a result of communications from or to its members, officers, directors, employees and contractors. Each person should consult their own counsel, accountant and other advisors as to legal, tax, economic, investment, and related matters concerning Real Estate and other investments.   

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Metro Real Estate Investors Association
PO Box 296
Oceanport, NJ 07757
(908) 367-3423

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